Thursday, June 21, 2007
I am honoured to have been selected to represent the Labour Party in the North East division of KCC. I have lived in Maidstone for 30 years and worked in the area both for the Heart of Kent Hospice and for the Kent Wildlife Trust. I have a long association and proven track record on social and green issues. I know where I come from and what my values are.
I ask for your vote because I will work hard on your behalf to listen to your local voices and keep you all informed of all the local issues. If elected I would hold local surgeries and feedback to all correspondence.
A vote for the Labour party is the only way to hold KCC to account.
An Open letter from Patrick -
Dear Resident,
I have been selected as the Labour Party Candidate at the by-election, in the North East Division of Kent County Council.
My main aim it to see a better road and transport system for Maidstone, also more money to be spent on things which really matter, such as the old and infirm; and stop councillors swanning round the world, chasing airey-fairey schemes which benefit nobody.
The deficiency of the current administration at County Hall, can only be kept in check by constant vigilance. I urge you to take this on board when casting your vote on the 12th July.
Your Sincerely,
Patrick Coates
Labour Party Candidate
Millions of reasons for voting Labour
• Tory controlled KCC have wasted £millions of our Council Tax, for example on abandoned prestige projects, bad investment in failed airlines and bodged re-organisation of transport services.
• They get over 70% of our Council Tax and have increased it well above the rate of inflation for many years.
• Their key responsibilities are transport, education and social care yet our roads and pavements are in a shocking state, school results are below average, and social care for the old and infirm has been cut. Our schools seem to be in such a bad state that they are asking the Labour Government to rebuild them all!
Only Labour can provide the opposition to the Tories at KCC to make them less wasteful and inefficient. We say no more wasting hundreds of thousands of pounds swanning around the world promoting ‘inward investment’ when they oppose building enough houses to meet our housing needs. How can it be right that they say that they can not afford home care for the elderly, but they can find the money to set up their own TV station to say how wonderful they are!
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