Thursday, November 16, 2006

1. Legislation and policy exists to protect our precious biodiversity.
2. Various bodies including English Nature, KWT, RSBP. Environment Agency and Local Authorities use the existing legislation and policy to get the best outcome for Kent's biodiversity.
3. Through the planning process records can be used to help inform decision makers of the species that exist at a site.
4. Biodiversity can be protected during development by using special measures on site, moving species to more suitable locations, or creating new wildlife areas.
5. Measures should be monitored in to the future to ensure they are successful.
6. Government policy encourages enhancement of biodivesity through planning. This can include simple measures such as including bird boxes, bat boxes, pond creation and native vegetation planting in new developments or creating larger areas for wildlife to thrive.
Patrick Coates
Environment Correspondent
2. Various bodies including English Nature, KWT, RSBP. Environment Agency and Local Authorities use the existing legislation and policy to get the best outcome for Kent's biodiversity.
3. Through the planning process records can be used to help inform decision makers of the species that exist at a site.
4. Biodiversity can be protected during development by using special measures on site, moving species to more suitable locations, or creating new wildlife areas.
5. Measures should be monitored in to the future to ensure they are successful.
6. Government policy encourages enhancement of biodivesity through planning. This can include simple measures such as including bird boxes, bat boxes, pond creation and native vegetation planting in new developments or creating larger areas for wildlife to thrive.
Patrick Coates
Environment Correspondent
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