Thursday, August 24, 2006

It's Alive!!!

Welcome to the discussion forum of the Maidstone and the Weald Labour Party. The official launch date of the site has not yet been finalised but all the links and contact details are up and running so feel free to contact us. Below are some photos from our first campaign meeting held on 23rd August 2006. You can leave comments by clicking on the COMMENT icon below.

Cllr Morel D'Souza,John Hughes ,Patrick and Richard Coates

The next meeting is on September 1st where resolutions for conference will be discussed.

Dr Rav Seeruthun

great site!
Congratulations Dr. Rav Seeruthun!

This website offers an opportunity for members, potential members and supporters of New Labour to see how Maidstone Labour Party are performing in a supposedly Tory stronghold.

Cllr. Morel D' Souza
Fabulous to see us with an upto date, clean and informative site. Now to try to google it to see what the tags are like... The oranges have always been very good at those...
Good to read a blog from conference. Am I the only member of the Maidstone and Weald Labour party who shuddered during Gordon Brown's speech? I have never warmed to the man but I have admired his economic acumen but seeing him trying to be touchy and feely was nauseating. I wonder why he wants to be Prime Minister when he lack the obvious qualities needed : ability to communicate, to inspire, to lead a team and represent the country on the international scene. Can you see Gordon as a negotiator, a diplomat or ambassador?

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